
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Things GPT-4 Can Do to Simplify Human Work


Top 10 Mind-Blowing Things GPT-4 Can Do to Simplify Human Work.

If you thought that technology had already reached its peak, you are mistaken. The advancement and capabilities of technology are so vast that you keep wondering if there could be any better upgrade than this. Well, on the same lines, GPT-4 is the latest technological advancement that has left everyone in awe. There are numerous ways in which GPT-4 has come to our rescue. In this article, we shall be talking about the top 10 mind-blowing things GPT-4 can do to simplify human work. Have a look!

Financial Decision-Making.

GPT-4 stands for the ability to analyze financial data. Based on that, it can provide accurate forecasts as well. This further helps in making informed investment decisions thereby enabling businesses to achieve their financial goals.


These days, communication between countries is required to be smooth. What poses a problem here is language. GPT-4 to the rescue it is! This technology can translate languages thereby paving the way for seamless communication across borders and cultures. Well, that’s not all. The translation is real-time!! Can it get any better?

Diagnosing Medical Conditions.

The importance of the healthcare sector cannot be merely put into words. In such a scenario, advanced technology is no less than a blessing for this sector. The latest technological advancement, GPT-4, holds the potential to analyze medical data to further diagnose and predict various medical conditions with high accuracy. This will further ease how the medical industry functions.

Creating Personalized Marketing Content.

A strong marketing strategy is one of the key factors for the company’s growth. GPT-4 can analyze consumer data and generate personalized marketing content that resonates with specific audiences. Now, you have an increased audience that could benefit the financials of your company.

Product Design. 

The GPT-4 can also play a crucial role in product design. Wondering how? Well, by generating new ideas and offering suggestions for improvement. Now, this has helped businesses to create more innovative and successful products. 

 Social Media Management. 

The GPT-4 also stands for the ability to manage social media accounts by suggesting content and generating captions and hashtags. This further helps significantly streamline social media management for businesses and individuals alike. 

 Personal Coaching 

How about getting personalized coaching and advice on topics such as fitness, nutrition, and productivity? Well, this is exactly what GPT-4 has in store for you. If you are keen to learn about these topics, GPT-4 is an absolute rescue as you can further improve your health, productivity, or any other areas of your life. 

 Creative Writing.

Writers out there – GPT-4 has got something for you as well. Generating ideas and suggesting plotlines and characters is something that this technology has to offer. In short, this could be a game-changer for writers who struggle with writer’s block or need help developing new ideas. 

 Personal Shopping.

The GPT-4 has served to be a blessing as it can assist with personal shopping by suggesting products based on user preferences and previous purchases. This would provide users with more personalized and accurate product recommendations. However, this also raises concerns about digital privacy. 

 Legal Analysis 

The GPT-4 can also analyze legal documents and provide insights and recommendations, simplifying legal research. This would become all the easier for lawyers and legal professionals to understand complex legal documents and cases.

Source. Analytics insight

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Top 10 AI Tools


Top 10 AI Tools everyone should use.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have become increasingly important in the modern economy. They are used to automate repetitive tasks, improve efficiency and productivity, and create new products and services. 

 One major role of AI tools is in data analysis. With the explosion of data in recent years, companies are using AI tools to analyze vast amounts of data and extract valuable insights. These insights can be used to optimize business processes, develop new products, and improve customer experiences. 

 AI tools are also being used to automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, customer service, and inventory management. By automating these tasks, businesses can save time and money, and free up their employees to focus on higher-level tasks. 

 In addition to automation, AI tools are also being used to create new products and services. For example, chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming increasingly common in customer service, while self-driving cars and drones are being developed for transportation and delivery.

Here are 10 AI-powered tools that could significantly improve your ability to effectively execute your tasks.

ChatGPT OpenAI’s 

ChatGPT is an AI-enabled tool that uses natural language processing (NLP) to engage in conversations with users. It can understand and respond to written or spoken language, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of applications.

Many companies now use ChatGPT-powered chatbots to interact with customers and provide them with quick and accurate responses to their inquiries. These chatbots can handle a high volume of inquiries, freeing up human customer service representatives to focus on more complex issues.

Brandmark. is an AI-powered branding tool that helps professionals create logos, color schemes, and other visual elements for their brand. It uses Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to generate unique and customized designs based on the user’s input and preferences. 

 In addition to logos, Brandmark can generate a variety of other branding assets, including business cards, social media graphics, and marketing materials. Its user interface (UI) is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with drag-and-drop functionality.

Namelix is an AI-powered business name generator that helps professionals come up with unique and memorable names for their businesses. 

 Users can enter keywords related to their business, select the industry, and indicate their preferred style and tone. Namelix integrates with domain name registration services and other tools, making it easy for users to purchase domains and set up their online presence. It is a valuable tool for entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses that need to create a brand name or company name.

Action Transformer (ACT-1) by Adept 

ACT-1 is an upcoming AI-powered hiring tool that helps companies streamline the recruitment process and identify the best candidates for a given position. It uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze resumes and job descriptions, as well as assess candidates’ skills and qualifications based on their responses to online assessments.

ACT-1 can also automate many of the time-consuming and repetitive tasks associated with the hiring process, such as scheduling interviews and sending follow-up emails.


Moonbeam is an AI-powered content creation tool that helps professionals create high-quality marketing content such as blog posts, social media updates, and email campaigns. 

It integrates with popular content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress and Hubspot, making it easy to incorporate the generated content into existing workflows. The tool can also automate many of the time-consuming and repetitive tasks associated with content creation, such as formatting and editing.


Waldo is an AI-powered search engine that uses search indexes pulled from Google, Bing, and others. However, it packages the results into a different kind of interface that lets you hyper-tune your search with the click of a few buttons. The company officially launched with a Chrome extension six months ago. On the contrary, as of today, a more advanced version of it is also available as a stand-alone site and on mobile.


Postwise is an AI-powered social media management tool that helps professionals create and schedule engaging social media content. It allows users to schedule and publish their social media posts on various platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Postwise can also schedule posts for optimal engagement times, making it easy for users to stay consistent and reach their target audience. It can also analyze social media performances and provide insights into engagement, reach, and audience demographics. 


 Snipd is a Swiss AI-enabled tool that transcribes content and synchronizes with note-taking apps. It automatically generates book-style chapters and delivers podcast highlights. Users can manually create “snips” as they listen to an episode, allowing them to save their favorite moments and add notes to each clip.


byAutomata is another AI-based content repurposing tool that converts existing content into different formats, such as turning a blog post into a social media post, an infographic, or a video. It can also be used to personalize content for different audiences. With its AI-powered automation capabilities, you can create workflows that customize content based on different audience segments, such as adapting the language or tone to fit the target audience’s preferences.

Playground AI 

Playground AI is an AI-powered design platform that enables designers to create, prototype, and iterate on designs with the help of artificial intelligence. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior, identify patterns, and generate insights that designers can use to improve their designs. The tool integrates with a variety of content management systems and marketing tools, making it easy to publish and distribute generated content. It also integrates with other design tools, such as Sketch and Figma, so designers can use it alongside their existing workflows.

Source: ambcrypto

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Artificial Intelligence


What Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Mean?

Artificial intelligence (AI), also known as machine intelligence, is a branch of computer science that focuses on building and managing technology that can learn to autonomously make decisions and carry out actions on behalf of a human being. 

AI is not a single technology. Instead, it is an umbrella term that includes any type of software or hardware component that supports machine learning, computer vision, natural language understanding, natural language generation, natural language processing and robotics.

Today’s AI uses conventional CMOS hardware and the same basic algorithmic functions that drive traditional software. Future generations of AI are expected to inspire new types of brain-inspired circuits and architectures that can make data-driven decisions faster and more accurately than a human being can.

AI Use Cases in Business.

AI is currently being applied to a range of functions both in the lab and in commercial/consumer settings, including the following technologies:

Speech Recognition allows an intelligent system to convert human speech into text or code. 
Natural Language Generation enables conversational interaction between humans and computers. 
Computer Vision allows a machine to scan an image and use comparative analysis to identify objects in the image. 
Machine learning focuses on building algorithmic models that can identify patterns and relationships in data. 
Expert systems gain knowledge about a specific subject and can solve problems as accurately as a human expert on this subject.

At its heart, AI uses the same basic algorithmic functions that drive traditional software, but applies them in a different way. Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of AI is that it allows software to rewrite itself as it adapts to its environment.

What are the types of AI and how do they differ?

Ai is often spoken about in terms of being either weak or strong. Today, most business applications of AI are machine-learning applications of weak AI. Narrow (Weak) AI is capable of performing only a limited set of predetermined functions. General (Strong) AI is said to equal the human mind’s ability to function autonomously according to a wide set of stimuli; Super AI is expected one day to exceed human intelligence (and conceivably take over the world). AI initiatives are also talked about in terms of their belonging to one of four categories: Reactive AI relies on real-time data to make decisions. Limited Memory AI relies on stored data to make decisions. Theory of Mind AI can consider subjective elements such as user intent when making decisions. Self-Aware AI possesses a human-like consciousness that is capable of independently setting goals and using data to decide the best way to achieve an objective. A good way to visualize these distinctions is to imagine AI as a professional poker player. A reactive player bases all decisions on the current hand in play, while a limited memory player will consider their own and other player’s past decisions. A Theory of Mind player factors in other player’s behavioral cues and finally, a self-aware professional AI player stops to consider if playing poker to make a living is really the best use of their time and effort.

Source: Techopedia

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Five hours of smartphone battery life in five minutes

New tech promises five hours of smartphone battery life in five minutes

FOR our smartphone obsessed society, an unexpected dead battery can be an unbridled disaster.
For those worried about being caught unable to take that perfect Instagram photo, or getting lost without the safety of Google Maps, then fear no more.
A new technology promises to give your mobile a supercharge boost meaning you can get hours of battery life by the time it takes you to read this article.
US company Qualcomm which makes semiconductors and telecommunications equipment for smartphones debuted its new super-fast charging technology dubbed Quick Charge 4 last week.
The company makes chips and other internal hardware bits for a majority of top Android smartphones on the market including handsets for Samsung, LG and HTC.
As the name denotes, it’s the company’s fourth generation of charging technology and offers up a major advance in performance.
“We put a lot of hard work and engineering into new products, and we’re going to deliver what we hope is a much better charging experience from 2016,” Qualcomm’s senior director of product management Everett Roach said at the unveiling.
Depending on the device, the company says Quick Charge 4 will provide phones with five hours of battery life in just five minutes, or up to 50 per cent of a battery’s capacity in under 15 minutes.
The generation of Quick Charge equates to about a 20 per cent increase in efficiency from the company’s latest version, Quick Charge 3.

The new technology will appear in Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 835 chip, which is expected to launch early next year. So if you want to reap the benefits of super fast charging, you’ll need to look out for phones that use the Snapdragon 835 chip next year — something that has not yet been made public.

The latest version comes at a crucial time for Qualcomm. The global recall of Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 due to phones catching fire and reports of dodgy third-party chargers also causing phones to catch fire has seen safety become a matter of paramount importance for smartphone manufacturers.
In fact Google — who has recently entered the smartphone wars with the release of its first device — sought to address the issue by implementing new guidelines for Android manufacturers which included charging recommendations that appear to ban Qualcomm’s Quick Charge tech.
The recommendations called for all phones to be USB-PD compliant — a specification intended to make USB-charged devices safer.
Quick Charge 3 is not, however Quick Charge 4 is fully compliant with Google’s new recommendations.
“Quick Charge 4 addresses that need by providing up to 50 per cent battery charge in roughly 15 minutes or less, so you don’t have to spend all day chained to your charging cable,” Alex Katouzian, Qualcomm’s vice president of product management, said in a statement.
So for those who live in perennial fear of a depleted phone battery, you can expect Qualcomm’s charging technology to appear in Android phones in early 2017.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Samsung Updates Android Nougat Beta For Galaxy S7 Devices

Samsung Updates Android Nougat Beta For Galaxy S7 Devices

Samsung announced the beta release of Android 7.0 Nougat for its 2016 Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge devices a week ago in three important smartphone markets: the United Kingdom, United States of America and South Korea. Beta programs are designed to allow customers or users to experience an unfinished product so as to provide feedback to the company. For a major software version such as Android Nougat, a developer – or in this case the smartphone manufacturer – will conduct a large number of internal tests, but because smartphones are both extremely complicated and customers can download and install large numbers of third party applications, it is useful to allow the pre-release version of the operating system to be tested “in the wild.” This way, Samsung can hope to capture many different device configurations and uncover bugs and glitches that might otherwise not be found until the software is officially released.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

iPhone SE 2 Rumours

Apple might not release 2017 iPhone SE, says tech expert Ming-Chi Kuo

Back in 2015, we were worried that Apple had decided to ditch the 'C' range from its iPhone line-up and stop making 4-inch iPhone after a huge success of the 4.7-inch iPhone 6s and iPhone 6 and the 5.5-inch iPhone 6s Plus.

If you are Apple fan, you must know about the best Apple analyst in the world- Ming-Chi Kuo. In the latest reports from him hi tells, that Apple has cancelled the idea of the up-gradation of iPhone SE.

In the recent research note written by Kuo and obtained by MacRumors say that Apple won't be releasing the 2017 version of iPhone SE. For those who have forgotten about this mini 4 inch iPhone, it was a hit and after the launch of iPhone 7, reports The Tech Bulletin.

There are 2 reasons behind the dropping the idea of the iphone SE 2. One is to increase margins on the 2016 iPhone SE as its older components reduce in price. And other reason state that it will reduce risk of cannibalisation that a 2017 iPhone SE could have sales of the mare profitable iPhone 7.

Previously Apple did the same thing with iPads as well as MacBook Pro upgrades. People were waiting for the new upgrades but the company moved at its own velocity. However, in that time the already existing models worked perfectly well for all requirements.

Right now still there is no official statement from the company and Kuo is also not correct always. But every Apple leak or news has been accurate since last 18 months by Kuo.

Here's a quick highlights of Apple's iPhone SE which was launched in March this year:

1. Made of aluminium, with matt chamfered edges, the design is strongly reminiscent of the iPhone 5s.

2. iPhone SE is available with a Rose Gold finish, alongside silver, gold and Space Grey.

3. The 64bit A9 processor chip makes the SE, in Apple's words, "The most powerful 4-inch phone ever". The company further pledges "two times faster CPU and three times faster GPU performance compared to iPhone 5s

4. You can use Hey Siri in it

5. iPhone SE is having a rear-facing 12Mp iSight Camera and the 'Retina flash' feature - when you're taking selfies in low light you can make the display flash 3 times brighter than normal to light up the shot.

6. 4k video with the iPhone SE, and you can edit up to 2 streams of 4k video on the iPhone SE using iMovie.

7. iPhone SE offers LTE web connectivity that is 50 percent faster than the iPhone 5s. You also get 802.11ac and Wi-Fi calling.

8. Apple Pay is built in coming in iPhone SE


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Facebook is finally getting serious about its

Facebook is finally getting serious about its ‘Snapchat problem’

Evan Spiegel and Mark Zuckerberg.

For the past couple of years, Facebook has done nothing significant about its Snapchat problem.

Sure, Mark Zuckerberg and co. have tried to clone parts of Snapchat with failed apps like Slingshot. But Facebook has never really thrown its full weight behind taking Snapchat head on.

Until now.

During Facebook's quarterly earnings call this past week, Zuckerberg explained that Facebook now sees the camera as the future of how people share and communicate.

"In most social apps today, a text box is still the default way we share," he said. "Soon, we believe a camera will be the main way that we share."

While he didn't name Snapchat specifically on the call, make no mistake: Facebook's full attack on Snapchat has begun.