Sunday, June 11, 2023

Samsung to reveal next-gen foldables, new gadgets at Galaxy Unpacked 2023 event in July


Samsung to reveal next-gen foldables, new gadgets at Galaxy Unpacked 2023 event in July

Samsung Galaxy Foldable smartphone
The South Korean tech giant's Galaxy Unpacked event, where it usually launches new smartphones and other gadgets, is reportedly taking place sometime in July, and for the first time, it will be held in South Korea's Seoul.

Seems like Samsung doesn't want to wait any longer to one up Apple, its rival in the tech industry. The South Korean tech giant's Galaxy Unpacked event, where it usually launches new smartphones and other gadgets, is reportedly taking place sometime in July, and for the first time, it will be held in South Korea's Seoul.

At the Galaxy Unpacked 2023 event, Samsung will be launching its next-generation of foldable smartphones along with other new products.

The Samsung Galaxy Unpacked event will be held at the Convention and Exhibition Center (COEX) in Samseong-dong. "This unique location offers the world an opportunity to experience the captivating blend of past, present and future that defines Seoul," Samsung said in a statement.So far, Samsung has held the Galaxy Unpacked in several key cities including New York, London, Barcelona and Berlin after kick starting the first event in March 2o10 in Las Vegas.

Seoul was chosen this year due to its influence on global trends through its innovative and dynamic culture, and it also shows Samsung's strong confidence in the foldable category. 

"The foldable category embodies Samsung's philosophy of delivering breakthrough innovation that pushes boundaries to reshape the future of mobile experiences," said TM Roh, President and Head of Mobile eXperience (MX) Business at Samsung Electronics.

"Hosting Unpacked in Seoul holds great significance both as it is a city that has become an emerging epicenter of innovation and culture as well as the foldable category," he added. Over the years, Samsung has improved its foldable smartphones and innovated the user experience since the release of the first Galaxy Fold in 2019.

 In February, Samsung held its last Galaxy Unpacked event in San Francisco to introduce three models of the Galaxy S23 series -- Galaxy S23, Galaxy S23 Plus and Galaxy S23 Ultra -- and Galaxy Book3 laptops, among others.


Saturday, May 27, 2023

5 Questions to Ask When Evaluating a New Cybersecurity Technology


5 Questions to Ask When Evaluating a New Cybersecurity Technology.

Cyber security
Source: SIAMRAT.CH via Adobe Stock

Any new cybersecurity technology should be not just a neutral addition to a security stack but a benefit to the other technologies or people managing them. 

The cybersecurity technology field is, shall we politely say, crowded. I recently returned from attending RSA, one of the biggest conferences in the industry. Trying to describe just how many new technologies and solutions I saw there feels a lot like trying to describe how big space is: Our brains can't actually process that kind of scale.

I imagined being a chief information security officer (CISO) at this event, trying to make decisions on what products or technologies would solve their particular organization's security weaknesses. It was, in trying to maintain my earlier commitment to being polite, overwhelming. There must be a better way to quickly figure out if a security technology is worth evaluating.

This ecosystem we have found ourselves in, of slapping new technologies into our security stacks, isn't working. Security staffs everywhere are pulled too thin trying to manage every new technology, and threat actors are continuously breaking through our protection technologies.

So, how do we break this cycle? When looking for security technologies, we start assessing how much value the technology provides — not just whether it can do what it promises to do, but also if it provides a net positive for the entire security stack and management teams.

We are moving into a new era of cybersecurity, and every investment must be prudent. In order to make these decisions, companies must start asking some fundamental questions about these technologies in order to understand the true value — or cost — of a security solution. These questions of proactivity, intelligence, autonomy, scalability, and benefit to the stack as a whole can help you find the most value in every security technology.

Importantly, these questions can also help you evaluate your existing technologies, as you now know in real life how they are (or are not) serving your network and your teams. The answers might surprise you.

Question 1: Is the technology proactive or reactive? 

 While almost any cybersecurity technology will be quick to use the word "proactive," we first should define what the term really means. A truly proactive technology is one sitting "left of boom," or, more simply, before a successful breach. Recently, almost all cybersecurity technology sits "right of boom," responding to and mitigating the effects of breaches that have already happened.

In modern security frameworks and stacks such as MITRE/NIST/zero trust, often the only left-of-boom technology in place is the firewall/next-generation firewall (NGFW). These decades-old technologies have been tasked with more and more, and yet they remain standard. We have to help the rest of the security stack by investing in more proactive technologies.

Question 2: How much cyber intelligence can the technology leverage?

It has become increasingly clear that the word of our time is "intelligence" — be it artificial, human, or, more in my world, cyber. The value of intelligence and data has never been higher, and this has proven especially true in the war against cybercriminals. 

 The future is intelligence driven, and the more intelligence a cybersecurity technology can act on, the better. Any cybersecurity technology must be informed by as much cyber/threat intelligence as possible. Without the data to make informed decisions about enforcement, threat actors automatically have an upper hand.

Question 3: Is the technology (truly) autonomous? 

 I cannot think of a cybersecurity technology that doesn't claim it is "autonomous." This has become so common in our industry that the word itself has almost lost meaning. However, with a cybersecurity staffing shortage that does not look to be going away any time soon, it's critical we evaluate what we mean by "autonomous" when thinking about a technology. How many hours of an employee's day (on average) does this technology require? Does this technology require another full-time employee to manage the alerts or logs? Does this technology automatically update? (And what are the down times like for them?) The answers to these questions should be: zero, no, and yes. Anything else is not an autonomous technology. 

 Question 4: How does the technology scale? 

 Threat actors have shown themselves to be nimble, inventive, and persistent in their attacks. The technologies we implement must be able to grow and adapt to these realities. Can they adapt to higher volumes, deeper obfuscations, and yet-unknown attack vectors? Knowing your technologies can grow with your network and adapt to an ever-changing threat landscape is vital in any security technology investment.

 Question 5: Can the technology work easily with existing technologies? 

 One of the biggest drivers of cybersecurity professionals is what's known as "alert fatigue." This is caused by too many technologies that are extremely sensitive in finding threats or breaches, yet are unable to communicate with each other easily, throwing multiple alerts for the same malicious traffic. The cybersecurity teams are then forced to sift through multiple erroneous/duplicate alerts, and are more prone to errors due to the large volume of traffic networks are receiving day and night. Sadly, this is just one example of how multiple technologies that aren't sharing information can impact a network's cybersecurity posture. 

 Any new cybersecurity technology you consider should be not just a neutral addition to the security stack, but rather a benefit to the other technologies or people managing them. Some questions to ask in this arena might be: Can it feed intelligence easily to other implemented technologies? Does it ease a pain point of another technology? Can it ingest information from other implemented technologies? 

 Rarely will a technology be able to adequately answer for more than one of these questions. For instance, a technology might be able to use lots of intelligence but isn't proactive and needs constant monitoring by employees. These are the challenges security teams face every time they make a decision about a new or existing security technology, but figuring out how much value each technology adds — or doesn't — is the best start.


Thursday, May 18, 2023




AUSA Jared Lieberher
Photo by: AUSA/Jared Lieberher

With the rapid evolution of technology, soldiers fighting on the battlefields of 2050 may not look too different from a science fiction movie or a video game, a senior Army leader said.

“Think about if you’re playing a first-person shooter video game, you’re going on the map, you have visibility on your heads-up display, you know where the enemy is, you have unlimited ammo and you have this amazing ability to never die,” said Young Bang, principal deputy assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology.

“Now, we’re not quite there yet, but if you think about some of the things we’re working on right now, those are the foundational pieces to get us there," Bang said May 17 at the Association of the U.S. Army’s LANPAC Symposium and Exposition in Honolulu.

Bang said the Army is working hard to transform for the future. Citing as an example the 24 new technologies the Army plans to deliver in fiscal 2023, Bang said those capabilities are “foundational pieces” so that the Army, along with its allies and partners, can “drive this whole thing called integrated deterrence.”

From drone resupply to exoskeletons, the Army is looking at how it can make soldiers more lethal and agile, Bang said. “Take unlimited ammo,” he said. “We’re not quite there but imagine what you could do with drones.”

The Army is experimenting with that at Fort Moore, Georgia, he said. “They were literally dropping off ammo as soldiers were needing it,” Bang said. “It’s an experiment, but those are the possibilities we’re looking at, and the Army needs industry’s help to get us there.”

Soldiers also are testing the use of exoskeletons to carry heavy equipment, and the Army continues to fine-tune its Integrated Visual Augmentation System and develop robotic combat vehicles, among other capabilities, Bang said. “Imagine what the possibilities will be if you tie all that together,” he said. 

 As the Army continues its modernization, it faces an increasingly changing world, Bang said. “Change is constant, and the pace is increasing, and technology is increasing the pace of change,” he said. “With technology that’s driving change, humans have to be able to adapt.”

For the Army, that means “you train, you experiment together with the joint and multinational force,” he said. “The humans have to adapt,” he added. “They have to know how to use that technology and think about it differently.”

The Army also must be light, mobile and flexible, and it must view technology as an enabler instead of the solution to every problem, Bang said. “A lot of people, including me, get enamored by the shiny bauble,” he said. “We’ve got to shift from just the technology to also include the procedural—the teaming, the strategy, the employment. How are we going to use this?” 

 Ultimately, the Army must move from industrial warfare and even information warfare to digital warfare, Bang said. “That’s where we need to be, that’s our future state,” he said. 

 This requires open and modular systems capable of accepting plug-and-play updates, he said. The Army also must flatten and simplify its architecture and improve the way it manages data. 

 “Data is foundational, but we’ve got to simplify that data,” he said. “We have way too much information. Commanders don’t need all that. They need courses of action, they need information to make decisions, but they don’t need it all.”


Saturday, May 13, 2023

Google Just Added Generative AI to Search


Google Just Added Generative AI to Search.

Challenged by ChatGPT, the king of search launches a feature that can answer queries with text summarizing information found online.

Google Just Added Generative AI to Search.
Google Add Generative AI to Search.

SIX MONTHS AGO, Google didn’t appear remotely worried about its search business. Then OpenAI’s ChatGPT was unleashed, and Microsoft’s Bing spawned a chatbot.

At Google’s annual I/O conference today, the search giant announced that it will infuse results with generative artificial intelligence technology similar to that behind ChatGPT. The company is launching an experimental version of its prized search engine that incorporates text generation like that powering ChatGPT and other advanced chatbots.

Google’s reimagined search still involves typing a query, and it still responds with links to websites, snippets of content, and ads. But in some situations, the top of the page will feature text synthesized by AI that pulls from information found on different sources across the web, and link to those webpages. A user can ask follow up questions to get more specific information.

A query about the coronation of Britain’s new king might be met with a couple of paragraphs summarizing the event. If asked about ebikes, Google’s algorithms can list bullet-point recaps of product reviews published by various websites, and link to online stores where a user can make a purchase. The revamped version of search will be accessible in the US via a new feature called Search Labs, but it will not be activated by default or for all Google users.

Google’s AI-infused search is considerably tamer than ChatGPT, eschewing an anthropomorphized persona and avoiding topics that might be deemed controversial, such as politics and medical or financial advice. When asked if Joe Biden is a good president or for information about different US states’ abortion laws, for example, Google’s generative AI product declined to answer. 

“The technology is very early on, it has its challenges, and we will make mistakes certainly,” says Liz Reid, vice president of search at Google, who gave WIRED a preview of the new features ahead of I/O.

Google is moving quickly to add ChatGPT-like features to search, but whether users will find them useful remains to be seen. Product searches, for instance, synthesized material from different reviews, but it was not immediately obvious how the brief summaries might improve the search experience.

The unpolished feel of these new features may reflect the fact that their launch is a defensive move. Google has invested huge sums and major resources in AI over recent years, with CEO Sundar Pichai often calling the company “AI first.” Yet Google still found itself wrong-footed with the arrival of ChatGPT, a surprisingly clever and garrulous—though also fundamentally flawed—chatbot from OpenAI.

ChatGPT is powered by a machine learning model trained to predict the words likely to follow a string of text by digesting huge amounts of text, including vast numbers of web pages. Additional training, provided by humans rating the quality of the bot’s responses, made ChatGPT more adept at answering questions and holding a conversation. 

Because ChatGPT was trained on much of the web, users quickly found it a promising new way to search, even if the bot is prone to fabricating information. Microsoft seized on this potential by investing $10 billion in OpenAI in January and then incorporating ChatGPT into Bing a month later.

The hype and strong interest from users, who fed queries to ChatGPT and Bing chat by the millions, left Google scrambling to catch up. Researchers at the company had developed some of the core technology at work in the new chatbots, but Google had been cautious about publicly launching its precursor to ChatGPT, called LaMDA.

In March, Google changed strategy, announcing a ChatGPT competitor called Bard. In April, Google said it would combine its AI research group with another Alphabet company focused on AI, DeepMind. Now Google is infusing text-generation technology into its core product, search.

Google’s dominance and reputation could make this latest move the biggest test yet of the power and usefulness of ChatGPT-style technology. It’s also risky.

Because language models can fabricate, companies have to develop ways to check that the information served to users is accurate. And some online publishers are concerned about search companies scraping and regurgitating their content in ways that mean fewer referrals. Google also needs to avoid cannibalizing its search advertising business, which provides a significant chunk of the company’s revenue.


Thursday, May 11, 2023

Google AI search different from Bard chatbot


How is the new Google AI search different from Bard chatbot?

Google already has a Bard chatbot that competes with ChatGPT, the chatbot from OpenAI that has generated huge excitement among users with its humanlike responses.

Google AI search different from Bard chatbot
Google AI search different from Bard chatbot


The company says that traditional Google search should still be used for finding and seeking information, such as locating something to purchase. Bard is a chatbot with a persona that can hold humanlike conversations, and is intended to be used for creative collaboration, for instance, to generate software code or write a caption for a photo. 


With the enhanced search termed the Search Generative Experience, Google's home page still looks and acts like its familiar search bar. The difference is in the answers: if the new Google detects that generative AI can be used to answer a query, the top of the results page will show the AI-generated response. The traditional links to the Web will remain below. For example, a search for "weather San Francisco" will as usual point a user to an eight-day forecast, while a query asking what outfit to wear in the California city prompts a lengthy response generated by AI, according to a demonstration for Reuters earlier this week. "You should bring layers, including a short-sleeved shirt and a light sweater or jacket for the day," the result stated, including links to websites where it gleaned such advice. Users will also be able to enter a brand-new "conversational mode," which similar to Bard and ChatGPT remembers the user's prior questions so users can ask follow-ups more easily. However, the company points out that conversational mode is not designed to be a chatbot with a personality; it is intended only to help hone search results. For example, its responses will never contain the "I" phrase, unlike Bard and ChatGPT. 


Not yet. U.S. consumers will gain access to the Search Generative Experience in the coming weeks via a wait list, a trial phase during which Google will monitor the quality, speed and cost of search results, the company said. 


The company said on Wednesday that Bard is now available with no wait list in 180 countries and territories, and plans to expand its support to 40 languages.


Saturday, April 29, 2023

MIT’s Tiny Terahertz Receiver Preserves IoT Battery Life


MIT’s Tiny Terahertz Receiver Preserves IoT Battery Life

TOPICS: Battery Technology MIT Robotics Sensor.

MIT’s Tiny Terahertz Receiver Preserves IoT Battery Life

Researchers from MIT and elsewhere have built a wake-up receiver that communicates using terahertz waves, which enabled them to produce a chip more than 10 times smaller than similar devices. Their receiver, which also includes authentication to protect it from a certain type of attack, could help preserve the battery life of tiny sensors or robots. Credit: Jose-Luis Olivares/MIT with figure courtesy of the researchers. Researchers demonstrate a low-power “wake-up” receiver one-tenth the size of other devices.

MIT researchers have created a terahertz-based wake-up receiver for IoT devices, significantly reducing size and power consumption while improving security features. Scientists are striving to develop ever-smaller internet-of-things devices, like sensors tinier than a fingertip that could make nearly any object trackable. These diminutive sensors have miniscule batteries which are often nearly impossible to replace, so engineers incorporate wake-up receivers that keep devices in low-power “sleep” mode when not in use, preserving battery life. Researchers at MIT have developed a new wake-up receiver that is less than one-tenth the size of previous devices and consumes only a few microwatts of power. Their receiver also incorporates a low-power, built-in authentication system, which protects the device from a certain type of attack that could quickly drain its battery. Many common types of wake-up receivers are built on the centimeter scale since their antennas must be proportional to the size of the radio waves they use to communicate. Instead, the MIT team built a receiver that utilizes terahertz waves, which are about one-tenth the length of radio waves. Their chip is barely more than 1 square millimeter in size. 

They used their wake-up receiver to demonstrate effective, wireless communication with a signal source that was several meters away, showcasing a range that would enable their chip to be used in miniaturized sensors. 

 For instance, the wake-up receiver could be incorporated into microrobots that monitor environmental changes in areas that are either too small or hazardous for other robots to reach. Also, since the device uses terahertz waves, it could be utilized in emerging applications, such as field-deployable radio networks that work as swarms to collect localized data.

“By using terahertz frequencies, we can make an antenna that is only a few hundred micrometers on each side, which is a very small size. This means we can integrate these antennas to the chip, creating a fully integrated solution. Ultimately, this enabled us to build a very small wake-up receiver that could be attached to tiny sensors or radios,” says Eunseok Lee, an electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) graduate student and lead author of a paper on the wake-up receiver. 

Lee wrote the paper with his co-advisors and senior authors Anantha Chandrakasan, dean of the MIT School of Engineering and the Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, who leads the Energy-Efficient Circuits and Systems Group, and Ruonan Han, an associate professor in EECS, who leads the Terahertz Integrated Electronics Group in the Research Laboratory of Electronics; as well as others at MIT, the Indian Institute of Science, and Boston University. The research is being presented at the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference.

Terahertz waves, found on the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and infrared light, have very high frequencies and travel much faster than radio waves. Sometimes called “pencil beams,” terahertz waves travel in a more direct path than other signals, which makes them more secure, Lee explains. 

 However, the waves have such high frequencies that terahertz receivers often multiply the terahertz signal by another signal to alter the frequency, a process known as frequency mixing modulation. Terahertz mixing consumes a great deal of power.

 Instead, Lee and his collaborators developed a zero-power-consumption detector that can detect terahertz waves without the need for frequency mixing. The detector uses a pair of tiny transistors as antennas, which consume very little power. 

 Even with both antennas on the chip, their wake-up receiver was only 1.54 square millimeters in size and consumed less than 3 microwatts of power. This dual-antenna setup maximizes performance and makes it easier to read signals.

Once received, their chip amplifies a terahertz signal and then converts analog data into a digital signal for processing. This digital signal carries a token, which is a string of bits (0s and 1s). If the token corresponds to the wake-up receiver’s token, it will activate the device.

Ramping up security.

Once received, their chip amplifies a terahertz signal and then converts analog data into a digital signal for processing. This digital signal carries a token, which is a string of bits (0s and 1s). If the token corresponds to the wake-up receiver’s token, it will activate the device. Ramping up security In most wake-up receivers, the same token is reused multiple times, so an eavesdropping attacker could figure out what it is. Then the hacker could send a signal that would activate the device over and over again, using what is called a denial-of-sleep attack. “With a wake-up receiver, the lifetime of a device could be improved from one day to one month, for instance, but an attacker could use a denial-of-sleep attack to drain that entire battery life in even less than a day. That is why we put authentication into our wake-up receiver,” he explains. They added an authentication block that utilizes an algorithm to randomize the device’s token each time, using a key that is shared with trusted senders. This key acts like a password — if a sender knows the password, they can send a signal with the right token. The researchers do this using a technique known as lightweight cryptography, which ensures the entire authentication process only consumes a few extra nanowatts of power. They tested their device by sending terahertz signals to the wake-up receiver as they increased the distance between the chip and the terahertz source. In this way, they tested the sensitivity of their receiver — the minimum signal power needed for the device to successfully detect a signal. Signals that travel farther have less power. “We achieved 5- to 10-meter longer distance demonstrations than others, using a device with a very small size and microwatt level power consumption,” Lee says. But to be most effective, terahertz waves need to hit the detector dead-on. If the chip is at an angle, some of the signal will be lost. So, the researchers paired their device with a terahertz beam-steerable array, recently developed by the Han group, to precisely direct the terahertz waves. Using this technique, communication could be sent to multiple chips with minimal signal loss. In the future, Lee and his collaborators want to tackle this problem of signal degradation. If they can find a way to maintain signal strength when receiver chips move or tilt slightly, they could increase the performance of these devices. They also want to demonstrate their wake-up receiver in very small sensors and fine-tune the technology for use in real-world devices.

Source: SciTechdaily.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Security keys Apple recommends for iPhone, iPad, Mac


Security keys Apple recommends for iPhone, iPad, Mac.

Security keys Apple recommends for iPhone, iPad, Mac.

Apple has recently added support for physical security keys in iOS 16.3 and macOS 13.2. While Apple has not manufactured its own security keys, it has made its iPhone, iPad and Mac devices compatible with existing FIDO-certified security keys.

If you choose to use physical security keys for your Apple ID, they will replace the six-digit 2FA code that is normally sent to a verified device. It is important to note that you assume full responsibility for your account, as if the keys are lost, you may be locked out of your account permanently.

Apple has recommended three specific keys and has given the green light to others that meet the guidelines. The three recommended keys are the YubiKey 5C NFC, YubiKey 5Ci and FEITAN ePass K9 NFC USB-A.

For other recommended security keys, Apple states that they must be FIDO certified and feature connectivity for Apple devices. NFC works with iPhones, USB-C works with most Macs and recent iPads, USB-A works with older Macs and Lightning works with iPhones and supported iPads.

It is important to note that there are four instances where security keys will not work: sign in to iCloud for Windows, sign in to older devices that can’t be updated, child accounts and Managed Apple IDs, and Apple Watches paired with a family member’s iPhone. 

 To use security keys for Apple ID, users will need at least two FIDO certified security keys, devices running iOS 16.3, iPadOS 16.3 or macOS Ventura 13.2 and later, two-factor authentication set up for their Apple ID, and a modern web browser. To sign in to Apple Watch, Apple TV, or HomePod after setting up security keys, users will need an iPhone or iPad with software version that supports security keys.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Things GPT-4 Can Do to Simplify Human Work


Top 10 Mind-Blowing Things GPT-4 Can Do to Simplify Human Work.

If you thought that technology had already reached its peak, you are mistaken. The advancement and capabilities of technology are so vast that you keep wondering if there could be any better upgrade than this. Well, on the same lines, GPT-4 is the latest technological advancement that has left everyone in awe. There are numerous ways in which GPT-4 has come to our rescue. In this article, we shall be talking about the top 10 mind-blowing things GPT-4 can do to simplify human work. Have a look!

Financial Decision-Making.

GPT-4 stands for the ability to analyze financial data. Based on that, it can provide accurate forecasts as well. This further helps in making informed investment decisions thereby enabling businesses to achieve their financial goals.


These days, communication between countries is required to be smooth. What poses a problem here is language. GPT-4 to the rescue it is! This technology can translate languages thereby paving the way for seamless communication across borders and cultures. Well, that’s not all. The translation is real-time!! Can it get any better?

Diagnosing Medical Conditions.

The importance of the healthcare sector cannot be merely put into words. In such a scenario, advanced technology is no less than a blessing for this sector. The latest technological advancement, GPT-4, holds the potential to analyze medical data to further diagnose and predict various medical conditions with high accuracy. This will further ease how the medical industry functions.

Creating Personalized Marketing Content.

A strong marketing strategy is one of the key factors for the company’s growth. GPT-4 can analyze consumer data and generate personalized marketing content that resonates with specific audiences. Now, you have an increased audience that could benefit the financials of your company.

Product Design. 

The GPT-4 can also play a crucial role in product design. Wondering how? Well, by generating new ideas and offering suggestions for improvement. Now, this has helped businesses to create more innovative and successful products. 

 Social Media Management. 

The GPT-4 also stands for the ability to manage social media accounts by suggesting content and generating captions and hashtags. This further helps significantly streamline social media management for businesses and individuals alike. 

 Personal Coaching 

How about getting personalized coaching and advice on topics such as fitness, nutrition, and productivity? Well, this is exactly what GPT-4 has in store for you. If you are keen to learn about these topics, GPT-4 is an absolute rescue as you can further improve your health, productivity, or any other areas of your life. 

 Creative Writing.

Writers out there – GPT-4 has got something for you as well. Generating ideas and suggesting plotlines and characters is something that this technology has to offer. In short, this could be a game-changer for writers who struggle with writer’s block or need help developing new ideas. 

 Personal Shopping.

The GPT-4 has served to be a blessing as it can assist with personal shopping by suggesting products based on user preferences and previous purchases. This would provide users with more personalized and accurate product recommendations. However, this also raises concerns about digital privacy. 

 Legal Analysis 

The GPT-4 can also analyze legal documents and provide insights and recommendations, simplifying legal research. This would become all the easier for lawyers and legal professionals to understand complex legal documents and cases.

Source. Analytics insight

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Top 10 AI Tools


Top 10 AI Tools everyone should use.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have become increasingly important in the modern economy. They are used to automate repetitive tasks, improve efficiency and productivity, and create new products and services. 

 One major role of AI tools is in data analysis. With the explosion of data in recent years, companies are using AI tools to analyze vast amounts of data and extract valuable insights. These insights can be used to optimize business processes, develop new products, and improve customer experiences. 

 AI tools are also being used to automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, customer service, and inventory management. By automating these tasks, businesses can save time and money, and free up their employees to focus on higher-level tasks. 

 In addition to automation, AI tools are also being used to create new products and services. For example, chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming increasingly common in customer service, while self-driving cars and drones are being developed for transportation and delivery.

Here are 10 AI-powered tools that could significantly improve your ability to effectively execute your tasks.

ChatGPT OpenAI’s 

ChatGPT is an AI-enabled tool that uses natural language processing (NLP) to engage in conversations with users. It can understand and respond to written or spoken language, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of applications.

Many companies now use ChatGPT-powered chatbots to interact with customers and provide them with quick and accurate responses to their inquiries. These chatbots can handle a high volume of inquiries, freeing up human customer service representatives to focus on more complex issues.

Brandmark. is an AI-powered branding tool that helps professionals create logos, color schemes, and other visual elements for their brand. It uses Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to generate unique and customized designs based on the user’s input and preferences. 

 In addition to logos, Brandmark can generate a variety of other branding assets, including business cards, social media graphics, and marketing materials. Its user interface (UI) is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with drag-and-drop functionality.

Namelix is an AI-powered business name generator that helps professionals come up with unique and memorable names for their businesses. 

 Users can enter keywords related to their business, select the industry, and indicate their preferred style and tone. Namelix integrates with domain name registration services and other tools, making it easy for users to purchase domains and set up their online presence. It is a valuable tool for entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses that need to create a brand name or company name.

Action Transformer (ACT-1) by Adept 

ACT-1 is an upcoming AI-powered hiring tool that helps companies streamline the recruitment process and identify the best candidates for a given position. It uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze resumes and job descriptions, as well as assess candidates’ skills and qualifications based on their responses to online assessments.

ACT-1 can also automate many of the time-consuming and repetitive tasks associated with the hiring process, such as scheduling interviews and sending follow-up emails.


Moonbeam is an AI-powered content creation tool that helps professionals create high-quality marketing content such as blog posts, social media updates, and email campaigns. 

It integrates with popular content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress and Hubspot, making it easy to incorporate the generated content into existing workflows. The tool can also automate many of the time-consuming and repetitive tasks associated with content creation, such as formatting and editing.


Waldo is an AI-powered search engine that uses search indexes pulled from Google, Bing, and others. However, it packages the results into a different kind of interface that lets you hyper-tune your search with the click of a few buttons. The company officially launched with a Chrome extension six months ago. On the contrary, as of today, a more advanced version of it is also available as a stand-alone site and on mobile.


Postwise is an AI-powered social media management tool that helps professionals create and schedule engaging social media content. It allows users to schedule and publish their social media posts on various platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Postwise can also schedule posts for optimal engagement times, making it easy for users to stay consistent and reach their target audience. It can also analyze social media performances and provide insights into engagement, reach, and audience demographics. 


 Snipd is a Swiss AI-enabled tool that transcribes content and synchronizes with note-taking apps. It automatically generates book-style chapters and delivers podcast highlights. Users can manually create “snips” as they listen to an episode, allowing them to save their favorite moments and add notes to each clip.


byAutomata is another AI-based content repurposing tool that converts existing content into different formats, such as turning a blog post into a social media post, an infographic, or a video. It can also be used to personalize content for different audiences. With its AI-powered automation capabilities, you can create workflows that customize content based on different audience segments, such as adapting the language or tone to fit the target audience’s preferences.

Playground AI 

Playground AI is an AI-powered design platform that enables designers to create, prototype, and iterate on designs with the help of artificial intelligence. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior, identify patterns, and generate insights that designers can use to improve their designs. The tool integrates with a variety of content management systems and marketing tools, making it easy to publish and distribute generated content. It also integrates with other design tools, such as Sketch and Figma, so designers can use it alongside their existing workflows.

Source: ambcrypto

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Artificial Intelligence


What Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Mean?

Artificial intelligence (AI), also known as machine intelligence, is a branch of computer science that focuses on building and managing technology that can learn to autonomously make decisions and carry out actions on behalf of a human being. 

AI is not a single technology. Instead, it is an umbrella term that includes any type of software or hardware component that supports machine learning, computer vision, natural language understanding, natural language generation, natural language processing and robotics.

Today’s AI uses conventional CMOS hardware and the same basic algorithmic functions that drive traditional software. Future generations of AI are expected to inspire new types of brain-inspired circuits and architectures that can make data-driven decisions faster and more accurately than a human being can.

AI Use Cases in Business.

AI is currently being applied to a range of functions both in the lab and in commercial/consumer settings, including the following technologies:

Speech Recognition allows an intelligent system to convert human speech into text or code. 
Natural Language Generation enables conversational interaction between humans and computers. 
Computer Vision allows a machine to scan an image and use comparative analysis to identify objects in the image. 
Machine learning focuses on building algorithmic models that can identify patterns and relationships in data. 
Expert systems gain knowledge about a specific subject and can solve problems as accurately as a human expert on this subject.

At its heart, AI uses the same basic algorithmic functions that drive traditional software, but applies them in a different way. Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of AI is that it allows software to rewrite itself as it adapts to its environment.

What are the types of AI and how do they differ?

Ai is often spoken about in terms of being either weak or strong. Today, most business applications of AI are machine-learning applications of weak AI. Narrow (Weak) AI is capable of performing only a limited set of predetermined functions. General (Strong) AI is said to equal the human mind’s ability to function autonomously according to a wide set of stimuli; Super AI is expected one day to exceed human intelligence (and conceivably take over the world). AI initiatives are also talked about in terms of their belonging to one of four categories: Reactive AI relies on real-time data to make decisions. Limited Memory AI relies on stored data to make decisions. Theory of Mind AI can consider subjective elements such as user intent when making decisions. Self-Aware AI possesses a human-like consciousness that is capable of independently setting goals and using data to decide the best way to achieve an objective. A good way to visualize these distinctions is to imagine AI as a professional poker player. A reactive player bases all decisions on the current hand in play, while a limited memory player will consider their own and other player’s past decisions. A Theory of Mind player factors in other player’s behavioral cues and finally, a self-aware professional AI player stops to consider if playing poker to make a living is really the best use of their time and effort.

Source: Techopedia